R4. Transports


To establish the standard operating procedures for responding to requests for transports.


  1. Gloucester Volunteer Fire & Rescue Squad, Inc. WILL NOT refuse any transport.
    • Emergency.  Shall be handled the same as any emergency call.  
    • Non-Emergency.  Shall be handled by a team other than the first call team. Every effort will be made to locate a second team to handle these requests, when the need arises. If personnel are not available, the transport maybe delayed until other members are available. If two duty teams are on call, the second call team will handle non-emergency transports, if one station is manned, or the team from which the transport originates handles the transport, and the other stations will handle all other calls.

Remember—We operate on the public donations, so be as accommodating as possible with the transport, but report abusers to an EMS line officer.  

Change Log:

June 1, 2024 – Published to website